Formulate, articulate, communicate, cajole, and inspire individuals and teams to collaborate to create a future that becomes your legacy.

Emotional Intelligence

As a CEO, are you investing in the development of Emotional Intelligence in your organization? If not, your competitors probably are.

Recently, there has been a resurgence in the popularity of Emotional Intelligence as evidenced in magazines articles – including Time, Inc. Magazine, Forbes, the Harvard Business Review and many more. In addition, the number of times the term Emotional Intelligence is being searched on Google has increased steadily over the past 3 years.

the ceo magazine, decision making,
Karyn Schoenbart, CEO, The NPD Group

As a leader, it’s critical to make important decisions in a timely manner. You will never have all the data, complete consensus, or a crystal ball. You just need to make the best decision you can with the information you have at the time. However, having a process for making complex decisions can help.

As most parents have learned, late-night conversation around the campfire can open communication lines. Consider those romantic strolls with your first love when you shared your deepest secrets and highest hopes for the future? Or how about those laps around the gym or through the hallways at school with your best friend, sharing what happened on the weekend?

Likewise, leaders have learned that walking loosens the tongue of their team members. Walking and talking go together like leadership and strategy.  How so?



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