the ceo magazine, cyber risks,
Brian Stafford, CEO, Diligent Corporation

It seems that every week there is a new security incident that reminds us of the real and ever-changing threat facing corporate enterprises and data. Brand-new security vulnerabilities are identified every day. All of this begs the question: How many companies are really prepared in the event of a cyberattack, and what is the role of the Board of Directors in preventing such a breach?

the ceo magazine, business management,
Greg Sullivan, CEO, Global Velocity

When P.F. Chang’s China Bistro Ltd. this month reported a data breach that had targeted customers’ credit and debit card numbers has been contained, and the company is providing identity protection services for customers who may have been affected. The Wall Street Journal reports one key piece of information that should sound the alarm bell to all companies: some of the suspected breaches date back to October 2013. Cyber thieves share the same motivation of the businesses they’re attacking: to make money.


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