the ceo magazine, self management
Susan Sherayko, Author, Rainbows Over Ruins

Did you know that we rarely use more than 10% of our brain power – the part that is the conscious mind?  We are underutilizing our assets! 90% is in the subconscious mind. These two aspects of the mind seem at opposite ends of the spectrum, so how does one go about reconciling them in order to find the improved success that comes when we are running on all cylinders and using both aspects of mind?

It helps to understand the difference between the subconscious and conscious mind so we can learn to utilize these differences to our advantage.  The conscious mind relies on physical senses and conditioned thought habits to make decisions and express opinions. The subconscious mind keeps all our natural processes operating in the background and is an internal gyroscope that keeps us headed in the directions we have chosen. 

A few of its qualities have primary importance when we want to use the subconscious to our advantage. 

  1. The subconscious is non-verbal and responsive to feelings.
  2. It is nonjudgmental, responding to queries as an infinite search engine.  Positive questions turn our subconscious into a valuable ally, providing the resources that bring our reality in line with our ideal vision.
  3. The subconscious is intuitive and connected to what physicists now call quantum consciousness.  

Our goal should be to make our ideal vision consistent with our reality.  When they are not in sync, we experience an uncomfortable contrast between where we are and where we want to be.  That gap can stop progress if we become overwhelmed or dwell on negative concerns rather than setting the subconscious in search of solutions.

Traditional success literature may emphasize the conscious mind and the see-plan-do-review approach to problem solving which we call our Outer Actions.  When we bring our subconscious mind into the equation, we use Inner Game techniques that invite interaction with the subconscious mind through reflection and the creative thought process.  Here are examples:

  • Think about your long term purpose, vision and goals from your Outer Action approach daily. Focus on the next step you are currently pursuing, your sense of a plan and its milestones.  
  • The subconscious is non-verbal.  It responds best to your visual image and feelings about a subject. Express feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the part of your goal that is already unfolding, any progress being made and the resources in place. Acknowledging what’s going well serves to provide a starting point for the subconscious mind.    
  • Visualize what you want success to look and feel like when you get it. Use your imagination to create a mind movie.
  • Observe any negative contrasts you may be feeling or negative statements and questions you are telling yourself.  How do they make you feel?  Ask yourself what would you prefer to feel and what you would need to do in order to feel that way?
  • Ask for what you want.  Remember, the subconscious will search for the resources you request.  The subconscious mind does not judge.  If you ask a negative question, it will bring negative resources, and vice versa.  Therefore, ask positive, open questions like Why or What if that lead to solutions, i.e., why am I feeling more positive? Why do I understand how to make this work better? What if I tried?
  • Let go.  Be non-verbal. Paint, go for a walk, play music.  Be quiet.  Center.
  • Allow yourself time to “sit with” and listen, noting ideas, “guidance,” revelations, insights on thorny issues, and “aha” connections you may receive. Acknowledge the possibilities.
  • Ask what one thing you could do today that would help you feel the way you want to feel when you have what you desire.
  • Take at least one action every day. The point is to persist with continual “pressure” on your goals. As you get better at this, the pace will increase and you will find yourself wondering what happened. 
  • Relax. The results may not be instantaneous.  Persist.

 As you get in the habit of aligning the Inner Game and Outer Actions, you will see benefits as you reconcile your reality to match your vision.  Contrasts become less dramatic; you find solutions more readily. Utilizing the link between the conscious and subconscious mind, we not only gain access to the full potential of our mind; we also gain access to vast resources beyond our conscious awareness.

About the Author

Susan Sherayko is the author of Rainbows Over Ruins, a guide to those who seek to unleash their creative power. She is the Executive in Charge of Production and Emmy nominated Line Producer for “Home and Family” on Hallmark Channel. Susan is passionate about guiding others to discover how to change their thoughts and attract more successful results.

To find out more about Susan and her book, Rainbows Over Ruins, visit:


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