the ceo magazine, cyber risks,
Brian Stafford, CEO, Diligent Corporation

It seems that every week there is a new security incident that reminds us of the real and ever-changing threat facing corporate enterprises and data. Brand-new security vulnerabilities are identified every day. All of this begs the question: How many companies are really prepared in the event of a cyberattack, and what is the role of the Board of Directors in preventing such a breach?

the ceo magazine, information security
Joe Siegrist, CEO & Co-founder, LastPass

As the past year has shown, the evolution of technology has created a tidal wave of new security risks and concerns for businesses. Every day, more companies are seeing their names in the headlines after a breach in security. Aside from bad press, businesses that suffer from a data breach lose money and customer trust.

The controversy over the hacking of SONY continues to be in the news for many reasons. There is the release of information about celebrities, the discussion about theaters refusing to show the movie and of course the US sanctions imposed on North Korea. Central to this story is the security of data and protecting data from cyberattacks. While this discussion continues to evolve it brought another thought to my mind. Many small businesses do not protect or back-up their data and do not believe that they will be the target of a cyberattack.



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