I have always prided myself on being a great multi-tasker. I have been known to work on writing a script while listening to an employee tell me about a day out in the field. I have worked on invoices while listening to a webinar. I am writing this as I sit on an airplane traveling to a business meeting.

Most of us have been taught that it is important to get as much done as possible, to be efficient and the best way to accomplish that is to do several things at a time. In short, to multi-task.

the ceo magazine, time management,
Bradley W. Smith, CEO & Co-founder,Rescue One Financial

In our fast-paced digital economy, time goes by at the speed of your bandwidth. Balancing competing priorities at home and at work can make it easy to fall behind on crucial job responsibilities and leave you with almost no time to devote to your family and friends. Sometimes everyone needs to reorder priorities and take advantage of tried and true time saving strategies to help stay afloat while meeting multiple deadlines.


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