the ceo magazine, ipo process,
David Spitz, CEO, ChannelAdvisor

I’ll never forget the sound of the bell ringing. As I stood on the platform of the New York Stock Exchange, surrounded by our senior leadership team, I knew it was a moment I would never forget. The jubilation was like the final ringing of the class bell on the last day of school. But this wasn’t an ending — this was the beginning of a new era. On May 23, 2013, ChannelAdvisor went public.

The process of filing an initial public offering (IPO) certainly didn’t start there — it ramped up almost a year earlier, in what felt like a lifetime. IPOs are a spectacle. They’re thrilling, exhausting, time-consuming and rewarding, all at the same time. At a high level, the process looks like this:

Enough books have been written and enough information is available that, by now, most leaders and managers understand what they need to do to manage change in their organization. They understand the need to get buy-in, secure credible senior sponsors, persuade key influencers in the organization and communicate, communicate, communicate.

One of the most exciting opportunities available in business today is partnering with nonprofits in cause-related marketing. Generally defined as a partnership where both the for-profit and the nonprofit partners have something to offer and each realizes a benefit, cause-related marketing contributes to the community, while also expanding your company’s network and audience.

the ceo magazine, leadership,
Gary Douglas, Founder, Access Consciousness

Most business leaders desire innovation, yet they reward compliance and consistency. Is that working for your business, or your leadership? Or do you agree that it is time to create a different future?

You create a different kind of competitive advantage when you take the perspective that every person and opportunity in your business has the possibility to make a contribution.

Many of our business models and leadership strategies are based on expectations and educations that are no longer relevant. We are currently engaged in a revolution, the equivalent of the industrial revolution that changed the world a century ago, yet many of us are failing to adapt and evolve.

There are many businesses and individuals in the world today who are the new blacksmiths – they just don’t realize it yet.



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