Linda Henman

Dr. Linda Henman is one of those rare experts who can say she’s a coach, consultant, speaker, and author. For more than 30 years, she has worked with Fortune 500 Companies and small businesses that want to think strategically, grow dramatically, promote intelligently, and compete successfully today and tomorrow. 

the ceo magazine, leadership

When senior leaders consistently make good decisions, little else matters; when they make bad decisions, nothing else matters. Effective decision-making stands at the center of executive leadership and organizational success. As leaders climb the ladder to top positions, others call on them regularly to solve problems and occasionally to make decisions. At the top, these two critical functions define most of a leader’s day—the crucibles of destiny—the leader’s and the organization’s. Each time leaders engage in either, they stand at a pivot—a turning point that will take the company in directions that will contribute to success or demise.

the ceo magazine, risk management

Men experiencing contraction pains has proven popular in Jinan, China. In fact, Jinan Aima Maternity Hospital opened its “Pain Experience Camp” in November, and in a misguided attempt to show solidarity with their pregnant wives, more than three hundred men have signed up to experience the electric shock meant to simulate the sensation of childbirth.

the ceo magazine, business management,

 The December 15th edition of People reported that the Discovery Channel had filmed adventurer Paul Rosolie being eaten alive by a giant anaconda on December 7th.  But the magazine went to press too soon; it didn’t happen.

With sterling intentions, Rosalie donned a high-tech carbon fiber suit with breathing and communications systems to allow him to tangle with the planet’s most effective predator. With the cameras rolling, Rosalie entered the fray with a commitment to success, but he couldn’t go through with it. The snake did the predictable: it attempted to crush the life out of Rosalie and swallow him. Everyone knew this would happen, but apparently Rosalie didn’t realize how much he’d hate it.

the ceo magazine, leadership

This year my clients have made enormous gains, some hiring top performers into key positions; others executing demanding strategies; everyone challenging the ordinary. But not everything happened seamlessly. Here’s what my clients taught me this year:

the ceo magazine, leadership

Espoused beliefs reflect those perceptions that an organization’s leaders consider “correct.” Over time, members of an organization learn that certain beliefs work to reduce uncertainty, so these beliefs gradually develop into an articulated set of norms and operational rules of behavior that serve as a guide for dealing with ambiguity or difficult events.  As new members join the organization, others influence them through education about these beliefs.



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