the ceo magazine, business growth,
Leonard Sherman, Author, If You’re In A Dogfight, Become a Cat! – Strategies for Long-Term Growth

The time to rethink three widely believed, but outdated management ideas is long overdue.

1. There are “good” and “bad” industries

In the late 1970s, Michael Porter’s seminal article on business strategy -- How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy -- established five industry characteristics to explain why some companies are inherently more profitable than others.

the ceo magazine, business vision,
Joseph A Michelli, Author, Driven to Delight: Delivering World-Class Customer Experience the Mercedes-Benz Way

Columnist and author Irving Kristol once suggested that leaders need to define that “one big thing and stick with it.”

Whenever I consider offering customer experience consulting services for a prospective business client, I interview senior leadership and ask a lot of questions that get at motivation and their perceived purpose for the potential partnership. I want to know the “one big thing” they want to be known for and how they plan to stay the course to make that possible. 

the ceo magazine, leadership,
Soren Eilertsen, President, Kollner Group, Inc.

Historically, business survival has been dependent on a sound model that generates bottom line results and the primary focus of the CEO has been to ensure the company makes money. As society has evolved and advances in technology have enhanced awareness of global issues, this basic concept comes into question. With information just a click away, local, national and international challenges, such as global warming, pollution, homelessness, cost of education and hunger, just to name a few, are increasingly in the forefront of people’s minds.



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