the ceo magazine, negotiation,
Phil Friedman, President & CEO, CGS

Leaders must negotiate on a daily basis – with customers, suppliers and partners. While some leaders may have the innate ability to negotiate, it’s the experience, need and perseverance that create the strongest, most-respected negotiators. Over the past 32 years as a business owner and CEO, I’ve learned that you can never stop perfecting your approach.

the ceo magazine, negotiation,
Ken Marlin, Author, The Marine Corps Way to Win on Wall Street: 11 Key Principles from Battlefield to Boardroom

In the early 1970s, I attended what the Marine Corps calls “The Basic School” or “TBS”.  That’s where newly minted Marine Corps officers learn how to lead men in ground combat.  I learned a lot at TBS as well as over the next decade that I served on active duty: war fighting leadership; field skills and more.  But TBS is also where I learned about one of the most important elements of successful negotiating.  It is a lesson that has never left me.

ceo magazine, negotiation,
Tim Phillips, Managing Director, Revenade, LLC

It's a pretty safe bet that at various times in your life, you will have to negotiate - for a business contract, a new car, or even a personal relationship.  Obviously, you want to walk away satisfied that you have made the best deal.  And you will want the person you are negotiating with to walk away satisfied as well, because a successful negotiation is one in which everyone feels they have gained in some way.


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