the ceo magazine, leadership
John S. Medley, PhD

As an entrepreneur or chief executive officer, you may find yourself to be successful because you believe in yourself, a higher being, or you practice a daily routine of a healthful diet, exercise, and rest. Thus, you may feel that you are a master of your domain and in possession of an inner mental strength that is self-proven. Others may base the strength of their success solely on their religion.

Bill Ballester

During my years as a coach and business consultant, I have been asked many times if there is a secret to winning. I know of no secret; however, I have a very simple answer: ---------- teams that solve the most problems win. The answer is that simple: “Those who solve the most problems win.”

For me, a problem is anything that stands between where I am and where I want to be; some call these things barriers, obstacles, or roadblocks. Many business consultants prefer to call them challenges rather than problems. I believe that when teams don’t address their challenges, they become problems.



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