the ceo magazine, acquisition,
Ludovic Gaudé, CEO, intive

Oh acquisitions. ‘Tis the time for new partnerships, company growth - and yes, employee stress and uncertainty. Acquisitions often ignite organizational restructuring and the implementation of unfamiliar processes. And in many cases, it’s not uncommon for staff on both sides of the table to feel as if their workplaces have spiraled out control - like a typhoon has just landed, if you will.

the ceo magazine, customer focus,

In September 2017, Ikea, the Swedish home goods retailer, gave their customers what they wanted when they acquired TaskRabbit, a company that sends tool-wielding workers to rescue customers from the frustration of build-it-yourself furniture kits. TaskRabbit continues to operate independently of the acquiring company, using online marketing to connect 60,000 freelance “taskers” with people who need help, thereby making Ikea’s customers’ lives easier.

the ceo magazine, leadership qualities.
Kimberly Davis, Author, Brave Leadership:  Unleash Your Most Confident, Authentic, and Powerful Self to Get the Results You Need

“I’ve been there for almost 17 years,” she whispered, glancing around the room, “I don’t want to leave, but I think I have to.” The Senior Director of Finance looked at me sadly, with the weary awareness of someone who has fought the good fight for far longer that she anticipated. “The backstabbing. The hurtful comments. The threats. It’s such a toxic environment. They have to realize we’re all working harder than we’ve ever worked and doing our very best. My boss can yell at me all he wants, but I’m not going to drive my team into the ground. It doesn’t help anyone to be treated that way. It’s so demeaning. I love my work, but I just can’t do this anymore.”

the ceo magazine, emotional intelligence,
Barry Kaplan and Jeff Manchester, Authors, The Power of Vulnerability

Embracing authenticity is a new paradigm for corporate culture. Authenticity hasn’t been a focus for organizations. Most leaders haven’t known that this is the gateway to unleashing the true power of their organization.

the ceo magazine, sales,
John Asher, CEO, Asher Strategies

When most elite salespeople meet a new buyer in person, they will follow a simple three-step process:


  1. Build rapport by getting the buyer to talk about what they want to talk about.
  2. Perform a robust, disciplined needs analysis to understand the buyer’s needs.
  3. Offer a solution that is a perfect fit.



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