With all the forms of communication we have out there you would think the world would be communicating better. We all know that is not true. Because we can communicate in so many ways, many of our communications aren’t complete, clear, or effective. We can type a quick text or send a quick email and get the communication off our desks or out of our heads. Often the message is incomplete and/or misleading. Then, because we are all communicating at a faster pace because of these tools, the volume that goes outbound and comes to us inbound gets us all overwhelmed and less attentive. I am probably not telling you anything you don’t already know.

This past week we were very happy to bring three new clients onboard. It isalways great when you bring in new business but it is also time consuming to get to know each other. When you work with an existing client it is just a fact of life that you get into a pattern of working and things flow smoothly. If you want to ensure that same great working relationship with new customers there are a few things I can suggest.

Do Your Homework

the ceo magazine, productivity
Dr. Patricia Thompson, Author, “The Consummate Leader

When the buck stops with you, it can be difficult to separate yourself from work.  Being on the receiving end of pressure from shareholders, the sense of responsibility to do right by those who report to you, and the ultimate accountability that comes with being at the helm of an organization, can sometimes feel like a burden.  Add to that the ubiquitous smart phone making one accessible around the clock, and one can understand how difficult it can be for CEOs to “unplug” and take full advantage of down-time.

NE Ohio thought this day would never come. If you listened to sports radio, former players and talking heads also thought this day would never come . . .  the return of LeBron “The King” James to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

As in the Odyssey, I thought LeBron would return someday to the Cavs. In the Greek epic, Odysseus' struggled for 10 years to return home after the Trojan War. I don’t know how it felt to LeBron, but for much of NE Ohio LeBron’s exit felt like more than 10 years.

the ceo magazine, leadership
Suzanne Bates, CEO, Bates Communications

How many leaders have walked onto a big stage and stumbled at precisely the moment when we hoped they would shine? When Mary Barra appeared before Congress in April to answer for events leading to GM’s recall of 1.6 million vehicles with faulty ignitions, her careful, overly-scripted testimony landed with a thud. The moment cried out for Barra to show up as the CEO heralded to be the “new GM” and to appear concerned, sincere and authentic. Instead of reassuring the public that GM would address the issues, and expressing empathy toward the victims, her responses inspired a Saturday Night Live opening skit that lampooned her lack of candor and responsiveness.



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