the ceo magazine, employee health,
Hal Rosenbluth, Chairman & CEO, New Ocean Health Solutions 

Face it, we’re all going to die; it’s just a matter of when. Given that fact, you’d think we’d do a lot better job to ensure that while we live, we do our best to enjoy life as healthy and happy individuals. So, do we? And equally important, do we help those we employ do the same?

the ceo magazine, entrepreneurship,
Dmitri Petrov & Denis Kourakin, NGX Bio

Startup entrepreneurs and scientists are generally painted with very different brushes in popular culture, and in turn, in people’s imaginations. While startup entrepreneurs are generally depicted as young, forward thinking, movers and shakers playing ping pong and using macbooks in hammocks in open plan Silicon Valley palaces, scientists are generally thought of as older, lab coated, eccentric Einstein lookalikes playing with potions in laboratories.

the ceo magazine, decision making,
Karyn Schoenbart, CEO, The NPD Group

As a leader, it’s critical to make important decisions in a timely manner. You will never have all the data, complete consensus, or a crystal ball. You just need to make the best decision you can with the information you have at the time. However, having a process for making complex decisions can help.

the ceo magazine, sales team,
Christine Comaford, Author, Power Your Tribe

Has your organization ever suffered from Competitive Crush?

Competitive crush is when a competitor has swooped out of left field, raiding an organization’s top performers and key customers like an unstoppable force of nature.

As most parents have learned, late-night conversation around the campfire can open communication lines. Consider those romantic strolls with your first love when you shared your deepest secrets and highest hopes for the future? Or how about those laps around the gym or through the hallways at school with your best friend, sharing what happened on the weekend?

Likewise, leaders have learned that walking loosens the tongue of their team members. Walking and talking go together like leadership and strategy.  How so?



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