Formulate, articulate, communicate, cajole, and inspire individuals and teams to collaborate to create a future that becomes your legacy.

the ceo magazine, leadership development
John Hope Bryant
Leadership is not just about making businesses profitable. As a part of their community, business leaders have the ability and an obligation to help their communities thrive. When community members feel a sense of hope--because they have an opportunity to participate fully in our free enterprise system, build savings, and care for themselves and their family--it's good for everyone.

I have competed in four Ironman’s, I run my own company, have climbed major mountains, I have three active kids, I surely have ADD, and I have a lot of fun. I am often asked how I can accomplish it all. Like with my fitness training, I believe in intervals. An interval day, interval week, interval year, interval lifestyle. This is the first in a series about these intervals. Let’s start with the interval day and week.

the ceo magazine, leadership
Lawrence Polsky, MD,

Are women business leaders still subjected to a double standard and called “bitchy” just for doing their jobs? Based on the responses of a recent survey we conducted, the answer is yes.

Working as an executive team coach over 20 years, 90 percent of the leaders I have coached are women. I have found the reason they are called bitchy or some version of that, by their team or colleagues, often comes down to one thing: the perception of being too assertive.



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