Assessment of the situation to devise a game plan for things to come to fruition.

Short-sighted problem solving

During a conversation with a CEO client, he broke into a rant about the small mindedness of his leaders. “The world is rapidly changing,” he said. “If we don’t evolve, we’ll fail. We need a plan that is actionable to continually redefine excellence and be the example for the world.”

I asked him if his leaders weren’t’ acting because they didn’t know how to think strategically or they were resisting, thinking their jobs were to remain effective, efficient and excellent within the world they worked in today.

~~In this morning’s Wall Street Journal, writer Ben Fritz talks about Disney’s ability to turn movie hits into “Profits Ever After.” Each movie mega hit becomes its’ own franchise, with a dedicated team focused on turning that movie hit into successful and profitable rides, toys, clothes, video games and more. In the advertising business, we would call this “having legs.”

Trends can be very difficult to recognize or predict early on. In the early days of MySpace and Facebook, who would have predicted it to be the start of a multi-billion dollar industry? Whether you’re on board or not, industry trends will take you in directions you have no control over. Trends are like waves in the ocean, and businesses, both big and small, have to navigate their ebbs and flows.



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