the ceo magazine, leadership
Chip R. Bell

A crowded Montgomery, AL city bus stopped at its usual spot and a middle-aged African-American woman boarded the bus.  As the bus pulled away, she realized every seat was taken and was prepared to take the trip on her feet.  But, something changed that stance.  Three different white men in three different locations on the bus simultaneously got up to give their seat to the woman. 

It was December 2013; exactly fifty-eight years after Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man boarding the city bus near the exact same bus stop.  It was a commentary on the unifying impact this “mother of civil rights” made through her non-violent act of courage.

the ceo magazine, business management
Steve McIntosh, Chief Fan Ambassador, Fanhub

Everyone seems to know the ‘secrets’ of entrepreneurship—so why are successful businesses so rare?

Nearly 90 percent of businesses in the U.S. have less than 20 employees, and half of all businesses close within five years. In tech, the stats are especially grim: Henry Blodget, founder of Business Insider, calculated that only 1 in 200 companies that apply to Y Combinator becomes a “success.”

Bill Ballester

During my years as a coach and business consultant, I have been asked many times if there is a secret to winning. I know of no secret; however, I have a very simple answer: ---------- teams that solve the most problems win. The answer is that simple: “Those who solve the most problems win.”

For me, a problem is anything that stands between where I am and where I want to be; some call these things barriers, obstacles, or roadblocks. Many business consultants prefer to call them challenges rather than problems. I believe that when teams don’t address their challenges, they become problems.



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