All of the local news channels in our area are in the “back- to-school” programming mode. There are features about how to get the most from the last few weeks of summer, trying to get kids back on a regular schedule and planning for back-to-school shopping.

With all of the attention, I had to stop and go back to count how many days I had taken off this summer. It was telling. Not many.

the ceo magazine, leadership

We think of self-esteem, confidence, and mindset as an individual’s internal locus of power and control. These factors determine and guide a person’s beliefs, behaviors, and decisions—the combination explaining a person’s success.

When we discuss this concentration of perceptions in an organization, we use words like “brand” and “culture,” but we address the same issues. Whether speaking of one person’s view of the world or the aggregation of many people’s—especially senior leaders—we are really talking about mindsets—poverty or abundance mindsets.

the ceo magazine, executive health
Michael Friedman, Ph.D.

The tragic death of Robin Williams has brought international attention to the devastating effects of depression. More and more people are becoming aware that depression is not simply being in a “bad mood,” but rather a serious mental disorder associated with intense suffering, loss of functioning and, in the most severe and tragic cases, death. As a result, the World Health Organization is calling depression a “global public health concern.” Depression is rated as the second leading cause of overall disability worldwide, and one of the most insidious ways that it causes damage is through loss of work productivity. Understanding and managing depression is crucial to creating a strong corporate culture, and should be a top concern of every employer.

the ceo magazine, leadership

The Rocky franchise first came into our lives in 1976. Detroit and Motown both were still churning out hits. Rocky gave the world this quote that remains as true today for business as when these words were mumbled by the prizefighter 37 years ago. “It's about how hard you get hit . .  . How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.” 

Yet many elements of leadership in the 21st century have changed. An effective leader needs to identify which qualities have stayed the same and which qualities have evolved. Leadership is very different in some core ways than it was just a few years ago.

the ceo magazine, business meeting

What if you had a strategic planning meeting and the eight worst behavioral archetypes who appear on executive teams showed up? How would you handle them?

Brad was the CEO of Liberty Consulting (all names have been changed), and he was frustrated with the tension and disconnect between his executives. Would getting them together to build a strategic plan solve the problem? We scheduled a two-day strategic planning meeting and all eight of the behavioral archetypes were there.



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