the ceo magazine, leadership
Lawrence Polsky, MD,

Are women business leaders still subjected to a double standard and called “bitchy” just for doing their jobs? Based on the responses of a recent survey we conducted, the answer is yes.

Working as an executive team coach over 20 years, 90 percent of the leaders I have coached are women. I have found the reason they are called bitchy or some version of that, by their team or colleagues, often comes down to one thing: the perception of being too assertive.

the ceo magazine, risk management

Managing risk is a major element of the “chemistry of strategy.” You must understand strategic risks -- what they are, how to identify them, and how to assess and manage them from a strategic perspective. Financial risk is embedded in all risks, since the impact of all risks is ultimately financial. There are five major sources of strategic risk. Two have the potential to wipe your company out overnight (discussed in a previous post), and three, while unlikely to wipe out a company overnight, could smother it over the next three to five years.

the ceo magazine, risk management
John W. Myrna, Author, The Chemistry of Strategy: Strategic Planning for the Not-Yet-Fortune 500 

Managing risk is a major element of the “chemistry of strategy.” You must understand strategic risks -- what they are, how to identify them, and how to assess and manage them from a strategic perspective. Financial risk is embedded in all risks, since the impact of all risks is ultimately financial. There are five major sources of strategic risk. Two have the potential to wipe your company out overnight, and three, while unlikely to wipe out a company overnight, could smother it over the next three to five years.

the ceo magazine, performance
Dr. Martin Turner, Co-Author, What Business Can Learn From Sport Psychology

Pressure is a perception. It manifests in situations where you perceive the importance of performing well to be high, and where you perceive the demands of the situation to be great. That investment pitch, that presentation, or that interview. Your business environment is full of demands.

In turn, an athlete must be able to deal with immense pressure if they are to succeed in their sport. How do they do this? They harness the potential of the mind to develop robust mental strategies to help them thrive when the going gets tough.

the ceo magazine, strategy
Fred J. Conforti, Author, Beyond Goals…Beyond LEAN

In the previous article we talked about needing a vision for the future. We also outlined the typical shortcomings keeping any company from being the best it can be.



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