Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

You’re wired to see what you already believe. It’s a simple statement but the implications for decision-making are complex. What you already believe is built layer upon layer from your experiences which create a filter through which you see the world. Good decision-making relies on understanding how your brain’s filter colors perception and influences interpretation.

the ceo magazine, startups,
Michael Stausholm, Founder & CEO, Sprout

It all started with an idea from a group of students at MIT in  Boston back in 2012. When they got the challenge of developing ”the sustainable office article of the future”, they came up with the idea of a plantable pencil with a capsule of seeds in the end. When the pencil is planted, the capsule dissolves and sprout into herbs, vegetables or flowers.

the ceo magazine, business growth,
Will Post, Founder & CEO, Hound & Gatos Pet Foods

According to the Small Business Administration, over 90 percent of all businesses are considered small, which is having less than 500 employees. While there is a lot of information readily available to explain to would-be entrepreneurs about how to go through the steps to open one of these small businesses, that’s only half the equation. Nearly as many businesses close each year that open. Having a Marine mentality is one way to approach entrepreneurship and help the business become successful in any industry.



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