Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

the ceo magazine, entrepreneurial thinking,
Jim Dewald, Dean, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, and author, Achieving Longevity

Businesses fail. They fail fast and they fail often. Research indicates that over 50 per cent of new firms fail within five years, and 75 per cent are gone in ten years.  So what is different about the firms that survive?  The answer is that they are the firms that are successful in recreating themselves, in continuing to engage entrepreneurial thinking on an equal footing with strategy.

Feeling Stressed? Don’t Suppress

As a CEO you are under pressure seemingly from all sides. Maybe you feel squeezed by the need to make more revenue without more staff. Perhaps you are suffocating from long work hours with no end in sight. Stress can leave you irritable, tired and short-tempered. That is not a good place to be for CEO-level decision-making.

the ceo magazine, startups,
Hubert Zajicek, CEO, Health Wildcatters

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), there are approximately 27 million working-age Americans currently starting or running new businesses. That means 14 percent of the population consider themselves entrepreneurs!



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