Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

Did you ever play a game as a child when you made up the rules as you went along?  I’m guessing that those evolving rules often proved to be a source of contention!

Leaders at work find the same to be true. When managers decide to disregard their moral compass as the official business handbook, they begin to make up the rules as they move along. Anything can happen, and the situation frequently proves to be a source of conflict.

Why Closing Your Eyes is a Powerful Leadership Tool.

Look around. Take in everything that you see. There’s the stack of sticky notes with calls to be returned; a report that needs to be reviewed; the partially finished cost proposal for your big client; and a half-eaten sandwich sitting next to the book club book that you are half-way through (and the club meets tomorrow!). In less than a minute, you have observed this and so much more. Your eyes brought in reams of information into your brain. And that information continually flows in unless you interrupt it.

the ceo magazine, entrepreneurship,
Pamela Evette, President & CEO, Quality Business Solutions

I founded my business as a sole proprietorship in 2000 and struggled for many years through the normal growing pains associated with a start-up – deciding when and where to invest, identifying new target markets and prospects, and determining when the time was right to add new staff or services.  After 13 years of modest but steady growth, my company began to take off, doubling year-over-year revenue and adding new clients in record numbers.  This rapid growth earned us a spot on the Inc. 5000 and me the honor of being name to the Impact 50, a ranking of the 50 most influential female leaders of Inc. 5000 companies, as well as numerous top entrepreneur awards and accolades.



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