Those who can't manage themselves can't be expected to manage anything else either.

Peter C. Diamond, Author, Amplify Your Career and Life: 4 Steps to Evaluate, Assess and Move Forward 

There is a prevailing sentiment that once past 40 you’re too old to reinvent your career. The transition is too risky. You have too many responsibilities. You may put your reputation in jeopardy. Besides, reinventing you means starting over. And starting over is daunting. Taking chances is for the young. Isn’t it better to hunker down, hang on and survive until retirement? Bunk.

the ceo magazine, self management
Lisa Arie, CEO, Vista Caballo

Recent studies show the physical connections between the heart and the brain profoundly influence the decisions humans make.

This is automatic. It is also undeniable. The more effective your heart systems are, the better the higher functions of the brain will operate. The result: more intelligent decisions and a more harmonious life.

Anne Grady, Author, 52 Strategies for Life, Love and Work

With all the discussion about how to achieve work-life balance, we have overlooked a big problem with this idea: our lives are not supposed to be balanced with equal time for everything.

Can you be the executive who thrives at business, the mother who volunteers at her child’s school, the friend who maintains an active social life, and yet still remain sexy, fit, and fun? Maybe for a short time, but it certainly isn’t sustainable.



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