Those who can't manage themselves can't be expected to manage anything else either.

the ceo magazine, self management

One thing is clear about communication in organizations: The more senior you are, the more amplified your message will be. That’s because employees, customers and shareholders know that the farthest-reaching strategies and decisions are made at the highest levels. And it is simply human nature that we are inherently interested in how these strategies and decisions will ultimately affect us. Like it or not, if you are a CEO, COO or CFO, your every word and even your most innocent gestures are under scrutiny. For a recent example, consider that President Barack Obama’s “Latte Salute” garnered over a million results via Google search. 

the ceo magazine, executive health
Kathleen Hale, CEO, Rebel Desk

I felt like I had made it.

I was a young attorney and it was my first day of work at a big city law firm. I waited in the pristine main lobby to be escorted to my new office. The Wall Street Journal, looking as if it had been ironed and starched, sat on the sparkling glass. Giant abstract artwork hung from the walls, as the receptionist quietly repeated, “Good morning. Thank you for calling.”

the ceo magazine, self management
Susan Sherayko, Author, Rainbows Over Ruins

Did you know that we rarely use more than 10% of our brain power – the part that is the conscious mind?  We are underutilizing our assets! 90% is in the subconscious mind. These two aspects of the mind seem at opposite ends of the spectrum, so how does one go about reconciling them in order to find the improved success that comes when we are running on all cylinders and using both aspects of mind?



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