Formulate, articulate, communicate, cajole, and inspire individuals and teams to collaborate to create a future that becomes your legacy.

The Care and Feeding of Exceptional Performers - The CEO Magazine

Ordinary just won’t work anymore. Organizations will increasingly depend on cutting-edge solutions to never-before-seen problems and clever ideas for those recurring headaches that have always plagued us. Research indicates that a handful of star performers create the vast majority of valuable ideas for their organizations.


In any business that is interested in growing, expanding and or just staying ahead of the competition the leadership needs employees to be engaged to help drive their business objectives. Not new news! But let’s take a deeper look at engagement and understand the underpinnings. First off, there has to be an environment of “trust” not just with the leader but

Teachable moments abound, and the mentee’s level of vulnerability determines the mentee’s teachability. The mentee must be willing to learn through formal and informal lessons.  You and the mentee should identify learning opportunities from which the mentee can glean meaningful insights and then implement the lessons learned in a way that produces tangible results.



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