The people part of business operations.

Could you be confusing that favorite story with an anecdote?  Before I mention why it matters, you’re probably wondering why so many blogs and books in the last few years have urged you to learn to tell a great story. Here’s why.

Stories make things stick. CEOs, entertainers, professional speakers, trainers, and leaders have learned that data, marketing messages, instructions, procedures, or just about any kind of information burrows into the brain better and stays longer when wrapped in a good story.

the ceo magazine, change management,
Phil Geldart, Founder & CEO, Eagle’s Flight

When we think about what's necessary to align an organization during a time of change, we often underestimate the importance of the executive team members throughout that journey.

There is no question that they play a vital role at the outset, because they are typically the ones who initiated the changes that led to a need for alignment in the first place. Also, the executive team provides the rationale for the change, often the resources required, and the link to the strategic plan.

the ceo magazine, networking,
Steven David Elliot, Chief Visionary Officer, Rockstar Connect

Traditionally people think of networking as a way to meet people from their own or other industries, to pass referrals, and establish relationships. It is certainly all the above, but in the age of social media live networking events can be used for branding. In the past when you went to a networking event, only the people in attendance were aware that you were networking. With the advent of Facebook, LinkedIn, meetup, Instagram and others, thousands of people can easily be aware that you are a connector and all that entails.



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