the ceo magazine, leadership

Walt Disney started a fire in the entertainment world that continues to burn decades after his death. Perhaps no single figure so dominated American—and indeed, even global—popular culture as Walt Disney did. Each year, millions view a Disney movie, visit his theme parks, watch his television shows, listen to his recordings, buy his products, and read his books. He has held sway in much that has touched our lives, inspiring millions of people and affecting billions of dollars.

Aaron K. Olson and B. Keith Simerson, Authors, Leading with Strategic Thinking

Disruptive forces are sweeping through nearly every industry, placing heightened importance on both strategy and leadership. Strategy is critical to ensure that businesses navigate a changing competitive landscape. Leadership is necessary to rally teams and seize these opportunities.

the ceo magazine, leadership,
Martin Kettelhut, PhD, Author, Listen Till You Disappear

True leadership is the ability to bring out the best in people and circumstances. Just giving orders is hardly leadership. You need to be able to hear what’s working and what’s not, in order to lead your company to perform at its best. There are three areas to practice listening for leadership: yourself, others and the world.



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