the ceo magazine, leadership development
Joelle K. Jay, Principal, Leadership Research Institute

“All I do is put out fires all day long. There’s no time for me to actually focus and do my work. It’s all just crisis management, day after day.”

“I’m entirely scattered. My mind is running so fast at any one time, I just fly from one activity to another trying to keep things moving, keeping them in play. I never have time to think.”

“I get points for being a ‘top performer,’ but the truth is I know I’m nowhere near my best. I get results and it’s exciting to see the things we’re doing, but I know I’m not working at my full potential at this speed. I’m just keeping up. I’m a machine.”

the ceo magazine, leadership

The Rocky franchise first came into our lives in 1976. Detroit and Motown both were still churning out hits. Rocky gave the world this quote that remains as true today for business as when these words were mumbled by the prizefighter 37 years ago. “It's about how hard you get hit . .  . How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.” 

Yet many elements of leadership in the 21st century have changed. An effective leader needs to identify which qualities have stayed the same and which qualities have evolved. Leadership is very different in some core ways than it was just a few years ago.

the ceo magazine, leadership
Gordon Tredgold

When it comes to being an inspiring leader there are really only 2 things that we need to do.

  1. Create an inspiring vision
  2. Create belief that the vision can be achieved

When we create an inspiring vision we create the desire in our teams, or within ourselves, to achieve the dream. It becomes something that we want to do.  If the vision or goal doesn’t catch our imagination, then why would we make any effort to achieve it, there isn’t any real reason or personal satisfaction in achieving it, and consequently we probably wouldn’t even try to achieve.



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