the ceo magazine, productivity,
Camille Preston, CEO and Founder, AIM Leadership

Most leaders already know that amazing feeling of being in the zone, or in flow. What many leaders don’t know is how to generate that feeling more often and help others do the same.

The concept of flow was first studied by University of Chicago psychology professor, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi over forty years ago. Flow is a state of high cognition where we are present and intentionally focused. A 2013 study by McKinsey & Company found that executives who can increase the amount of time they spend in flow by 15 to 20 percent double their productivity. Clearly, then, being in flow is great for the bottom line, but how do we get there more often?

the ceo magazine, employee health,
Hal Rosenbluth, Chairman & CEO, New Ocean Health Solutions 

Face it, we’re all going to die; it’s just a matter of when. Given that fact, you’d think we’d do a lot better job to ensure that while we live, we do our best to enjoy life as healthy and happy individuals. So, do we? And equally important, do we help those we employ do the same?

the ceo magazine, manage teams,
Linda Adams, Partner, The Trispective Group

Have you ever grabbed a coffee with a friend and listened to her rave about her colleagues, and then wondered what you would say when she asks you how things are going with your job? Ever looked around your own organization and wondered why some teams work so well together when yours seems to struggle every day? Good teams don’t just happen by accident. Great teams share a set of identifiable and replicable traits and characteristics. On the most effective teams, people are loyal to one another, the team, and the larger organization. People share information, resources and a commitment to put the team agenda ahead of any individual agenda. These are called “Loyalist Teams.”



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