the ceo magazine, women executives,
Terri Maxwell, CEO, Share on Purpose

When it comes to executive startup funding, the ceiling for female executives isn’t made of glass – it’s made of paper, the paper used to make money. And if you follow the money – as in the nearly $60 billion venture capitalists invested in 2016 – the vast majority of investment dollars went to male-founded companies. In fact, men received in excess of 16 times more funding than women last year.

the ceo magazine, leadership style,
Rajeev Peshawaria, CEO, The Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre

What do Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Lee Kuan Yew have in common? If you’re thinking they each created a better future through their remarkable leadership in business and society, you would be correct.  If you’re also thinking their leadership style was more autocratic than democratic, that would be correct too.  What? Autocratic leadership creates a better future? Could it really be true?

Four Lessons CEO's Have Taught Me

In my role at the Institute for Health and Human Potential, I've had the pleasure of meeting many CEO’s.  Some are from small companies with 400-500 employees, and some very large companies with over 200,000 employees. 

the ceo magazine, transformational leadership,
Mostafa Sayyadi, Author, Transformational Leadership: How To Prosper as a Leader In Today's Hypercompetitive Environment

There are many academic studies that focus on the organizational and managerial factors that drive organizational performance. Leaders within large companies can play a crucial role in achieving a high level of effectiveness and world class efficiency. A good leader can in fact turn a weak business plan into a success, but a poor leader can ruin even the best plan. The question is: can leadership style improve organizational performance in large companies?

Keith, CEO of a Fortune 500 financial organization, called with an intriguing project—one I’ve never been asked to repeat elsewhere, but one with fascinating results.

The Project

The CEO wanted to know how much I could discover about a person’s leadership style from their writing. “I don’t know; I’ve never had occasion to test my theories,” I told him, quite reluctant to take on what already sounded like an oddball way to lose a good client. He listened as I pointed out that someone might be a great leader, but just an incompetent writer and vice versa—how they might be an eloquent writer, but a lousy leader.



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