Formulate, articulate, communicate, cajole, and inspire individuals and teams to collaborate to create a future that becomes your legacy.

the ceo magazine, leadership

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”

                                                            ~Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese poet

Despite the recent surge in values-based, servant-oriented leadership, executives at the top are still pressured to put profits before people. Below, we offer three reasons why devotion to short-term earnings shouldn’t trump your commitment to building long-term, trust-based professional relationships.

the ceo magazine, self management
Lisa Arie, CEO, Vista Caballo

Recent studies show the physical connections between the heart and the brain profoundly influence the decisions humans make.

This is automatic. It is also undeniable. The more effective your heart systems are, the better the higher functions of the brain will operate. The result: more intelligent decisions and a more harmonious life.

What motivates sales managers

Sales management is expected to keep the front line—the sales team—motivated to contribute to the company’s bottom line.

But, how can someone motivate others if they themselves are not motivated?

You already know that motivation is not something you do to another. You can only motivate yourself. As the sales manager, all you can do is create an environment in which each team member motivates themselves.

So, what motivates sales managers? How do they stay motivated? We can draw valuable insights from the results of the Insigniam 2014 Middle Management Survey.



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