The people part of business operations.

the ceo magazine, goal setting
Alex Raymond, CEO, Kapta

It’s time to change the way we set goals. We all create them for our companies and ourselves, hoping to reach them. Roadmap may be an overused word these days, but that’s exactly what goals are - lamps on the path to success. A company without them is a company that stagnates. So given how important they are, why is goal setting such a dry and obligatory exercise at many companies?

the ceo magazine, business management,
Susan Ershler, Author, Conquering the Seven Summits of Sales: From Everest to Every Business

In 2002, while relaxing at Everest Base Camp, I fell into conversation with Dan, a fellow climber about to make his fifth attempt to reach the summit alone. Dan was determined to be completely self-sufficient, carrying all of his own gear and climbing without a guide. I wondered why anyone would take on such a huge challenge without accepting even a modicum of help. But I wished him luck and rejoined my team to prepare for our climb of the treacherous Khumbu Ice Fall, the first major obstacle on our route to the summit.

After multiple encounters over the past few weeks with several personalities in the corporate world that were on the verge of being out of control, those recent experiences inspired me to create a new series of blog entries over the coming months.  These entries will be focused on the ramifications and effects surrounding ego in the business world.



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