Assessment of the situation to devise a game plan for things to come to fruition.

Why Closing Your Eyes is a Powerful Leadership Tool.

Look around. Take in everything that you see. There’s the stack of sticky notes with calls to be returned; a report that needs to be reviewed; the partially finished cost proposal for your big client; and a half-eaten sandwich sitting next to the book club book that you are half-way through (and the club meets tomorrow!). In less than a minute, you have observed this and so much more. Your eyes brought in reams of information into your brain. And that information continually flows in unless you interrupt it.

Robert Salomon, Professor, NYU’s Stern School of Business

Globalization is an exciting trend and a catchphrase that now defines our modern era. Despite recent economic slowdowns in China and other emerging markets, a record breaking $1 trillion’s worth of cross-border deals were completed in 2015. And this figure is only set to rise as technological advances continue to connect the globe, presenting abundant opportunity.

the ceo magazine, branding,
Julie Cottineau, Founder & CEO, BrandTwist

Whether you are a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the founder of a start up with big plans, looking at branding best practices from successful brands such as Kool-Aid, Avon, Apple, and Virgin can yield some valuable lessons that can then be applied to your brand for big impact.



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