Marsha Friedman

Those of you who’ve read my book, “Celebritize Yourself,” know that it describes a foolproof system for making yourself a go-to source for the media: You provide journalists with the content and insights they need; they provide you with mass-media exposure.

Sandra Zimmer

The film trailer is arguably the most important marketing tool available to a filmmaker. In business, we also need trailers for marketing our companies. Business trailers are our one-minute introductions, otherwise known as elevator pitches.

Bob Kelleher

Social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter boast millions of users. Social media is a huge engagement, staffing, retention, and increasingly, branding tool. It’s at the foundation of what I call tri-branding. Tri-branding is when companies use social media to link both product and employment brand, and to get their customers to sing their praises or live their brand.

The Good

Linda D. Henman, Ph.D.

Does your company help your customers solve problems or to make decisions that will improve their lives?  Bentley Motors wouldn’t hesitate in answering that question. Bentley doesn’t build a mode of transportation; it is dedicated to developing and crafting the world’s most desirable high performance cars. Decision makers at Bentley Motors understand that people will pay more for the most desirable high performance cars than they will for something that merely avoids breaking down on the way to work.

It is often referred to as Marketing's Moment of Truth. I prefer to refer to it as Marketing's Moment of Fear. The question that you dread is the, "so what do you do" question.

You can prolong it, you can protract the process, and you may profusely delay your answer. Or you can be proactive and learn how to answer the question in a way that moves you forward.



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