the ceo magazine, social media marketing,

Last year I went down to Miami to an annual summit of global chief marketing officers. Working with these CMOs and aspiring CMOs, I was impressed. They all believed in the value of social media long-term, engaged relationships with customers to produce a rich value chain: real-time marketing and insight, higher-quality, yet lower-cost customer service and support, and long-term revenue growth. Ten, even five years ago, such a group of CMOs would not have looked at the world this way – despite the fact that social media marketing has been a tool for commerce since the days of the medieval marketplace.

the ceo magazine, b2b ecommerce
Tony DiCostanzo, President, BookPal

The world of e-commerce is continually evolving. Business to business (B2B) online revenue is rapidly catching up business to consumer (B2C) e-commerce revenue, with B2B expected to reach $800 billion to $1 trillion in 2014—creating a paradigm shift that provides exciting opportunities for online sellers ahead of this shift to either take advantage of it, or fall behind as their competitors embrace the growing online B2B opportunity.

NE Ohio thought this day would never come. If you listened to sports radio, former players and talking heads also thought this day would never come . . .  the return of LeBron “The King” James to the Cleveland Cavaliers.

As in the Odyssey, I thought LeBron would return someday to the Cavs. In the Greek epic, Odysseus' struggled for 10 years to return home after the Trojan War. I don’t know how it felt to LeBron, but for much of NE Ohio LeBron’s exit felt like more than 10 years.

the ceo magazine, social media marketing
Bernard Perrine, CEO, HipLogiq

In today’s social media world, small businesses are finding social media platforms like Twitter increasingly important to bring new business in the door. Twitter is unique because as a public forum it allows for intent-based marketing, or opportunities for small businesses to join in on relevant conversations in real time, in a personal and direct way.

It’s a fact. Today many people simply do not read. The reasons are many and varied. We spend so much time on computers that we need a break.  We want to have a richer experience- to see and hear about things rather than just reading.  And, it’s just more fun to see a video.



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