Stories and lessons from the struggle and success of those who have realized their entrepreneurial dreams whether as first timers or veterans.

the ceo magazine, customer centricity,
Chris Rothstein, CEO & Co-founder,

My journey to becoming a Silicon Valley-based tech founder wasn’t the typical path. Growing up in a farm town in Minnesota, my exposure to the business world was very different than the operations of Silicon Valley. My father owned a tractor dealership, and he was my prime model for how to do business. Though I am a long way from Minnesota now, there are still many lessons that I learned at my father’s tractor dealership that I have brought with me to Silicon Valley.

the ceo magazine, networking,
Steven David Elliot, Chief Visionary Officer, Rockstar Connect

Traditionally people think of networking as a way to meet people from their own or other industries, to pass referrals, and establish relationships. It is certainly all the above, but in the age of social media live networking events can be used for branding. In the past when you went to a networking event, only the people in attendance were aware that you were networking. With the advent of Facebook, LinkedIn, meetup, Instagram and others, thousands of people can easily be aware that you are a connector and all that entails.

Keith, CEO of a Fortune 500 financial organization, called with an intriguing project—one I’ve never been asked to repeat elsewhere, but one with fascinating results.

The Project

The CEO wanted to know how much I could discover about a person’s leadership style from their writing. “I don’t know; I’ve never had occasion to test my theories,” I told him, quite reluctant to take on what already sounded like an oddball way to lose a good client. He listened as I pointed out that someone might be a great leader, but just an incompetent writer and vice versa—how they might be an eloquent writer, but a lousy leader.



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