The people part of business operations.

the ceo magazine, communication
Kim Christfort, National Director, Deloitte Greenhouses & Leadership Center for Clients

“Do unto others as you’d have others do unto you.” Interestingly, some version of this Golden Rule concept exists in more than 20 religions and philosophies around the world. For many applications, in work and in life, it makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, it’s often not that helpful when it comes to deciding how to interact with people in a business setting.

The truth is that the majority of the population IS NOT just like you in terms of how they process information, how they make decisions, and how they like to communicate. And this is where the Golden Rule can trip you up.

the ceo magazine, business strategy
Scott Edinger, Author, The Hidden Leader

Every time I’ve worked with a senior team in the strategy formulation process, we’ve succeeded. Of course, I’ve never heard any group of executives say their strategy failed when it was created. It is in the implementation or execution that strategies falter, because most strategies rely on people in the organization taking action in new or different ways. That doesn’t happen by declaration. And it doesn’t happen when people are sent to training programs, though it is popular to pitch this to HR or Talent Management. If you want your strategy to work, it is up to the CEO and senior leaders of the business to drive it and you’ll need the help of what I call Hidden Leaders to be your exemplars and role models.

the ceo magazine, efficiency
Philip Letts, CEO, blur Group

Businesses across the globe are waking from the slumber of recession with a resolve to march with the progress of technology, rather than amble in its shadow. We are witnessing the rise of what we call The Size Zero Enterprise – a business built on low costs and high revenues achieved through automation and smart deployment of manpower.



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