The people part of business operations.

the ceo magazine, small business
Richard Milam, CEO, EnableSoft Inc.

Unless you are in the accounting field, the chances are good that this March you’ll be struggling alongside millions of other business leaders who are rushing to file their 2014 taxes on time. This can be a time of great panic as you or your finance team rush to get documentation together in order to meet tight deadlines. Besides late penalties, there are real opportunity costs to this sort of frenetic tax preparation process. Last-minute tax help is expensive, for one. Moreover, every minute you spend preparing taxes yourself or managing others takes time away from managing your organization.

the ceo magazine, business management
Peter LaMotte, Senior Vice President, LEVICK

“Transparency” is a buzzword that’s tossed around a lot, but how many CEOs and business owners truly understand what the concept entails (and support it)? To some, it means offering somewhat more information during a crisis, while maintaining a tight rein on what’s actually shared with investors, the media and the public at large.

But genuine transparency involves providing access to information people want or need, not what feels “right” to the business itself.

(Note: This month’s entry is inspired by the current controversy surrounding NBC news anchor Brian Williams and his purposeful reporting of inaccurate information.  Several references will be made to that ongoing event in order to draw parallels that can be used as perspective for professionals in the business world). 



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