Everything you need to know about setting up, managing and growing small businesses. Veterans, as well as newbies share their stories and valuable lessons.

the ceo magazine, vision statement,
John Dowling

A vision without value is a pipe dream.  Let’s examine some real life success stories as examples of what value has meant to these successful visionary ideas.

the ceo magazine, customers,
Tom Crowley, CEO, MBX Systems

No one wants to turn customers away, but sometimes it’s the best path to growth.  If customers fall outside the scope of your core competencies or otherwise place a burden on your resources that is disproportionate to the payback in profits, trimming the customer base – as painful as it may be – can help get you back on track.

Enough books have been written and enough information is available that, by now, most leaders and managers understand what they need to do to manage change in their organization. They understand the need to get buy-in, secure credible senior sponsors, persuade key influencers in the organization and communicate, communicate, communicate.



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