Everything you need to know about setting up, managing and growing small businesses. Veterans, as well as newbies share their stories and valuable lessons.


~~I was recently asked a common question during a Q&A. “What is a brand?” Believe it or not, I get asked this question all the time, simply because the word “brand” carries with it many different definitions. Depending on what one does for a living, what they’ve heard, what they’ve learned, or how they perceive their own “brand” the word has different meanings to different people. Some common definitions of brand are: a logo; a company; a product; a jingle; a trademark. Others think branding is advertising and marketing.

Speaking before the House of Representative Committee on Small Business was not exactly on my bucket list, but maybe it should have been. This past week I got a rare invitation to testify on behalf of the National Small Business Association. So, I decided to make the trip to Washington, DC. It was not exactly an easy trip. The weather was terrible and what should have been a 3 hour plane ride turned into an almost 14 hour ordeal.

the ceo magazine, small business
Richard Milam, CEO, EnableSoft Inc.

Unless you are in the accounting field, the chances are good that this March you’ll be struggling alongside millions of other business leaders who are rushing to file their 2014 taxes on time. This can be a time of great panic as you or your finance team rush to get documentation together in order to meet tight deadlines. Besides late penalties, there are real opportunity costs to this sort of frenetic tax preparation process. Last-minute tax help is expensive, for one. Moreover, every minute you spend preparing taxes yourself or managing others takes time away from managing your organization.



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