the ceo magazine, marketing

When I ran my own agency, I knew that intrigue was crucial to getting a potential client involved, but if I failed to deliver something of substance, I would have never secured those clients, or I’d have soon lost them. And the key to delivering substance was research. Every time we pitched a company, we made bold claims, but they were always backed up by facts. The formula was simple enough: Ask the right question about the organization, provide an answer, and then provide a solution.

Like most business owners I get asked to speak on different topics to a variety of groups. I did a count and have been averaging about one speech per week for the past few months and traveling around the country.  A fellow business owner reached out to ask some questions about accepting and charging for speaking engagements so I thought I would share a few ideas.  Here are a few things to consider.

the ceo magazine, business networking
Molly Fletcher, Author, The 5 Best Tools to Find Your Dream Career

In today’s business world, we are more connected than ever.  Yet in many ways, we’ve lost what I believe to be the real driver of business success—authentic relationships. 

For 15 years, I worked as a sports agent representing some of the top athletes, coaches and broadcasters in the game.  In an industry where there are actually more agents than athletes to represent, it takes more than just strong negotiating skills to be a successful agent.  You must be a skilled relationship builder in order to attract new clients and keep the ones you have. 

the ceo magazine, social media marketing
John McGee, CEO of OptifiNow

The days of the door-to-door computer salesman are gone. Instead, computers are now the ultimate sales tools for companies if they are using their technology resources properly. More than 15 million businesses and organizations are now part of Facebook. Many corporations also have company Twitter pages. In the corporate world, these pages are typically followed or liked by customers and employees. Companies with large customer bases and thousands of employees might have impressive numbers of likes or follows, but all too often, posts or tweets are stagnant, void of real interaction and results.

the ceo magazine, marketing
Tony DiCostanzo, President, BookPal

Take any book genre today and a person is likely to find hundreds, if not thousands, of titles written on the same topic—and today’s international business marketplace is no different. Never before have so many companies offered similar products and services at the same price point, often causing consumers to feel overwhelmed and unable to make a decision.



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