The word “innovation” is such a constant in meetings around the world that it has almost become a contender for “corporate buzzword bingo.” Although it is often over-used it is not always well understood in terms of how it should be implemented into organizational culture, or even how it might be best used as a frame for evaluating business strategy.


~~I was recently asked a common question during a Q&A. “What is a brand?” Believe it or not, I get asked this question all the time, simply because the word “brand” carries with it many different definitions. Depending on what one does for a living, what they’ve heard, what they’ve learned, or how they perceive their own “brand” the word has different meanings to different people. Some common definitions of brand are: a logo; a company; a product; a jingle; a trademark. Others think branding is advertising and marketing.

Jeff Ericson, Founder, RubyRide

Whether you operate a small, medium or larger business, one thing is certain – you have got to start off on the right foot researching your competitive landscape to survive. In starting any business, the minimum time you should assess the competitive landscape and work on your business plan is at least two years. In my own business, the transportation industry, prior to launching my service, I spent over two years researching, and working with local transportation departments and the city of Phoenix prior to launching.

the ceo magazine, online marketing,
Kristen Gramigna, Chief Marketing Officer, BluePay

Content is king in the new world of marketing — and an actively managed business blog is one way to ensure your company establishes a voice that reaches the online customers who are critical to your success. Here are a few ways to use a blog to build business:

the ceo magazine, brand management,
Michael Randazzo, Author, Tales of an American Entrepreneur

A mistake entrepreneurs make after years in business (twenty two in my case) is thinking that their brand is established but forget to nurture the core essential identity once it is defined.   To avoid this, one of the most important things an entrepreneur can do is brand reinforcement.  Your brand is your image, so practicing brand-image reinforcement serves both long term success, as well as the current bottom line.



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