Everything you need to know about setting up, managing and growing small businesses. Veterans, as well as newbies share their stories and valuable lessons.

the ceo magazine, pivoting,
Sachin Kamdar, Co-founder & CEO, Parse.ly

Building a startup can sometimes feel a bit like waiting for the subway for too long. After you spend more than 20 minutes waiting, you begin to feel more invested -- you’ve waited for so long that the next train must be arriving soon. It is difficult to admit that you may need to start walking or call a cab, or that the subway might not be coming after all.

The Institute for Health and Human Potential conducted a survey for our  New York Times bestselling book, Performing Under Pressure, The Science of Doing More Your Best When it Matters Most (Crown Business, 2015), asking senior leaders about the impact on them and their teams when they were tasked to do more with less. 

As a senior level executive, you can have a profound affect on everyone in your organization. I was reminded of that today when I was talking with a friend and colleague and told him that I had an offer for a partnership within a particular group. In our circles, this new partnership would be groundbreaking and very highly regarded.



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