The people part of business operations.

the ceo magazine, business management
Chris Whipple, author, A.C.T. Now or Fail! 

In the first article of this series, the reader was introduced to a new organization structure in the form of a sideways pyramid.  The structure helps break down barriers, improve communication and results.  One of the main reasons for this success is the ultimate goal of long-term sustainability which was identified as the primary objective that is more critical than any other goal.

Blame destroys motivation and trust
Todd C. Williams, Founder & President, eCameron, Inc.

Listening to last year's debate on the troubles with the website it struck me how the blame game destroys business. What at times was more finger pointing than substantive debate about the Obamacare website revolved around "who are we going to fire" rather than how do we make government projects successful and prevent reoccurring failures. And, just when I thought it was over, earlier this week I heard Bill O'Reilly, amidst a solid grilling of President Obama, ask "Why didn't you fire Sebelius?"

the ceo magazine
Chris Whipple, author, A.C.T. Now or Fail!                

We have all seen the traditional organizational pyramid with the person in charge at the top.  This pyramid usually has many layers in the middle consisting of some form of management or supervision, and all the line workers at the bottom.  For some, this may be the only pyramid ever experienced.  The concern I have with the traditional pyramid is that it depicts the leader resting on top, and this is the negative perception of the leader that many employees have throughout the organization.



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