the ceo magazine, leadership,
Soren Eilertsen, President, Kollner Group, Inc.

Historically, business survival has been dependent on a sound model that generates bottom line results and the primary focus of the CEO has been to ensure the company makes money. As society has evolved and advances in technology have enhanced awareness of global issues, this basic concept comes into question. With information just a click away, local, national and international challenges, such as global warming, pollution, homelessness, cost of education and hunger, just to name a few, are increasingly in the forefront of people’s minds.

Annual planning is one of the most important things any CEO and executive team will participate in as another year comes to a close. A good annual plan not only sets the stage for the year ahead, it can also help all of your teams become more focused and aligned to achieve both short- and long-term goals.

the ceo magazine, employee motivation,
William M. Dann, Author, Creating High Performers

I recently attended a speech by best-selling author Daniel Pink [1] in which he summarized research on shifts in employee motivators. The old “if-then motivators” of giving bonuses for the achievement of goals no longer work.  Work has become too complex and is changing too rapidly for such simple formulas to be relevant and to motivate performance.

If you want a good demonstration in how not to lead served up in a convenient, 43-minute package, just watch an episode of Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen.

There is a new trend of employee scheduling that is sweeping through various industries at the present time.  That is the practice of Just-in-Time scheduling.  It is particularly concentrated in restaurants, hotels, and retail outlets, but will probably be spreading to other industries soon. 



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