After multiple encounters over the past few weeks with several personalities in the corporate world that were on the verge of being out of control, those recent experiences inspired me to create a new series of blog entries over the coming months.  These entries will be focused on the ramifications and effects surrounding ego in the business world.

the ceo magazine, leadership

This year my clients have made enormous gains, some hiring top performers into key positions; others executing demanding strategies; everyone challenging the ordinary. But not everything happened seamlessly. Here’s what my clients taught me this year:

Here I am the owner of a company that provides Travel and Meeting Management services and I have not taken my Executive Team offsite for our annual planning session in far too many years. That changed this past week when my team and I traveled to the El Conquistador Resort in Puerto Rico for our planning session (it is a great place by the way). I didn’t care that it sounded like a vacation and nor should you - ever. We got such better results from these days together than at the past local meetings we have ever had. Here were the five biggest differences from a local meeting:

the ceo magazine, leadership

Espoused beliefs reflect those perceptions that an organization’s leaders consider “correct.” Over time, members of an organization learn that certain beliefs work to reduce uncertainty, so these beliefs gradually develop into an articulated set of norms and operational rules of behavior that serve as a guide for dealing with ambiguity or difficult events.  As new members join the organization, others influence them through education about these beliefs.

the ceo magazine, business networking,
Steve Zuckerman, Managing Director, Farlie Turner

To succeed in business and in life, you need to build authentic, trusting, and mutually beneficial relationships.  It seems simple enough, but as busy executives and entrepreneurs, time is our most precious commodity.  In the absence of a cogent networking strategy, we are at risk of attending unproductive events, meetings and conferences, and mindlessly squandering our valuable time.  As such, we need to be very mindful about how and with whom we network.



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