the ceo magazine, advertising,
Dave Marinaccio, Author, All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Watching Star Trek and Admen, Mad Men, and The Real World of Advertising

Advertising is an intrusion. An unwanted interloper. A necessary evil. It’s the price we pay for television production and to hold down the cost of FIOS. It is the intersection of free speech and free enterprise.

Guess how many advertising impressions the average American receives every day? Go ahead, I’ll wait.

the ceo magazine , brand management,
Kari Warberg Block, Founder and CEO of earthkind®

I started my company, earthkind®, makers of natural preventive repellants, because I was on a mission. As the wife of a farmer and daughter of an entomologist, I couldn’t understand why, at the time, 98% of pest control solutions sold were kill methods and poisons. I started out on my mission to create products that eliminated the need for poison use in the home, and in 2007, earthkind® hit store shelves with the first-ever botanical repellent to meet EPA efficacy standards for control of a public health risk pest. Today, earthkind® is a multi-million dollar national business, with potential to grow to $100 million+.

the ceo magazine, marketing,
Patrick Barrett, Founder & CEO,

In an increasingly fragmented media landscape, personal and profitable interaction with consumers can feel like a marketing goal that’s just within reach and at the same time as elusive as the Holy Grail.

The introduction of each new communications channel presents an opportunity to finally reach that goal. Yet, even with the unprecedented popularity of highly interactive social media, it has been difficult for most organizations to foster direct connections that convert to profitable action.

the ceo magazine, branding,
Mike Coughlin, Founder, Digital Blue Creative

With the recent death of global superstar Prince, people are looking back at this music and pop culture innovator in awe. As a brilliant musician, entertainer, cultural trendsetter, businessman, and brander, Prince is a shining example for any brand seeking eternal fame. Here are five tips entrepreneurs and brand marketers can learn from the extraordinary life and career of Prince:

I have created my Rules of Communication. They pretty much are the same rules for life. Sometimes people will say that they did not know that there were rules. That excuse never works for me when I say to the nice policeman that I did not know the speed limit was 25mph. He says, here’s the ticket.

Sports is a public example of protecting one’s value or not protecting one’s value, of communicating one’s value or doing a poor job of communicating one’s own value are easy targets to point out and to pick on whether the reader is a sports enthusiast or not.



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