the ceo magazine, tribes,
Andy Coville, CEO, Brodeur Partners

We all know that good CEOs think about the customer. Great ones obsess.

As technology changes everything, constantly, leaders devour information on customers’ needs, wants, demographics and purchasing journeys. They continuously align marketing, advertising and sales with carefully conceived personas of customer targets.

Perhaps there is one more thing we should be thinking about. Tribes. Both in terms of customers and employees.

the ceo magazine, content marketing,
Josh Denning, Founder, Authority Factory

As a savvy business owner, you are, most likely, familiar with the 80/20 rule (or Pareto’s Law): in many cases, 80 percent of the outcomes can be attributed to 20 percent of the causes for a given event.

Popularized by Tim Ferriss is his bestselling book, The 4-Hour Workweek, the 80/20 rule can be applied to many areas of business: customer complaints, revenue, profits, and more.

But, for many business owners, there’s one crucial area of applying the 80/20 rule that often gets neglected:

the ceo magazine, hiring,
Jennifer Davis, Chief Marketing Officer, Leyard

You are looking to grow your business and your executive team.  You want to add another voice at the table to represent strategic marketing.  Communications and brand are becoming more important and you want the organization to be more thoughtful and integrated in your approach.  You want to add some diversity to your executive team, in which finance and operations are heavily represented.  Perhaps this is your first CMO role and you want to hire right.

the ceo magazine, presentation tips,
Ted Frank, Principal Story Strategist, Backstories Studio

With attention spans continuing to shrink, one way we can make our 2017 presentations much more engaging is by taking cues from the place that can still captivate us for hours at a time: movies.

Movie-style storytelling is actually a perfect fit for corporate communication because it’s built on the same principles we’ve all been seeking from presentations all along: being simple, quick, visual and powerful. But the best news is that you can get a lot of movie power without even using video.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts – Aristotle.

What will make your life whole? What does this equation look like? The whole of your life done well makes for exponential happiness. Its greater than the sum of its parts! Take for example the great Steve Jobs. He achieved amazing success in business, yet he believed his life was a disappointment. What if the sum of a great life, great family and great business achievements were all his?



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