the ceo magazine, online business,
Kristen Gramigna, CMO, BluePay

You may be a small business, but customers expect you to have the same capacity as larger companies when it comes to technology, service and overall experience. Here are four common mistakes businesses make online, and how to avoid them.

Travel is essential to SME success in today’s global, hyper-connected workplace. Employees working with customers across the country or throughout the world is not uncommon – in fact, it’s quickly becoming the norm. While travel is essential to developing and maintaining important relationships, providing needed support and securing new business, this piece of your company’s budget can also be one of the most expensive elements of your operating budget.

The big day was approaching. By “big day” I don’t mean election day (which can’t come soon enough) or a wedding day, I mean the Super Bowl—THE big day for sports fans. To be clear, I am not a sports aficionado but even people like me watch the Super Bowl. Not because of the game (maybe for the nachos and hot wings), but for the commercials. This year there was a special television program recapping the top 50 Super Bowl commercials over the years.

I make my living as a media production and communications consultant so it is natural that words are important to me. They are critical to communicate a message precisely, make sure that the tone is accurate and obtain the desired results. But words are funny things. Meanings can change over time. New words find their way into the dictionary (or Wikipedia). Some words disappear never to be spoken again. 

the ceo magazine, mcommerce,
Ajay Kapur, CEO & Founder, Moovweb

In the coming year, we will continue to see rapid growth of mobile commerce. Here are three predictions that stand in contrast to the prevailing discussions around mobile payments, beacons, geo-targeting, Apple Passbook/Wallet, and native apps.



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